Watch our latest update about the benefits of the Government’s JobKeeper payment and how it applies to your business or NFP.
JobKeeper 2.0 Webinar
If you missed Brendan Lucas’ recent JobKeeper 2.0 webinar you can view the webinar and associated questions below.
Managing your team and annual leave post COVID-19
How will you manage annual leave for your team next year – post COVID-19? Listen to Brendan Lucas for some planning advice.
What does the Government’s COVID-19 stimulus package mean for CHSP providers?
For those with funding direct from The Department of Health they have announced:
The flexibility provisions for FY20 and FY21 are being relaxed, allowing existing CHSP providers to transfer up to 100 % of their allocated funding between service types.
Urgent or immediate CHSP services can be put in place for up to six weeks, for clients affected by COVID-19 or in self-isolation, without requiring an assessment.
Penalties will not be applied unreasonably and discretion will be used if service delivery targets are not met due to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Economic Stimulus update – SMEs and NFPs
Hopscotch Director, Brendan Lucas, breaks down element of the Australian Government’s Economic Stimulus package so you know when the cash flow measures will be released.